Monday, September 22, 2003

Woohoo, I'm starting to feel better. I went to my first two classes, Intro to Psych and Human Sexuality, then went to the campus nurse and the snack bar. I finally got some antibiotics, I've taken two so far, and I'm already starting to feel better. I didn't sleep for shit last night, so I came back from my running around, took my first antibiotic and an hour later I was out. I slept from 11:30AM-5PM with minimal interruptions. I did wake up once because Sarah was playing her music way too fucking loud, but Kenny told her to turn it down because I'm sick and was trying to sleep. I'm sure she loved that. Anyway, I feel better and that rocks.

I only missed 2 questions on my Intro to Psych exam! Woohoo! The Human Sexuality exam was really easy, too. It took me maybe 10 minutes to get through 50 questions. I rock out!!

I'm going to finish watching 8MM, then arrange my shoes.

Later gators.

Lisa's Birthday In One Day (September 23)!!