Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Damn Email

Jess brought to my attention the fact that her emails are bouncing back when she uses my Pooper.net email addy. If this has happened to you as well, or if you've emailed me and I haven't replied within a day, email me again here and we'll see if that works better. It seems like everyone except Jess is getting through for some reason. Damn Interweb.

I have to mail some stuff to Equifax (credit bureau) in order to have an unpaid electric bill removed from Morgan's credit file. That's the only thing in his credit file, so it's really not good. Turns out, his ex must have used his info to get the electric turned on somewhere in Cleveland, after he moved back with his Mom. He's never had any utilities in his name, so he's sure it isn't his. All three credit bureaus are investigating the bill, and it'll be removed from all three reports very shortly. Dammit, why do people suck so badly most of the time?

That is all.