Friday, May 06, 2005


I finally got around to changing my website. OK, so it's very similar to the blog, but hey, shouldn't they be similar? Anyway, check it out and let me know what you crazy kids think.

Yesterday Morgan called me all freaked because NIN's new CD With Teeth was on sale at Best Buy for $10. I told him, I've had the 2 disc version since Tuesday, why waste my money for another copy (and the single disc version at that.) He insisted, so I ran out and bought the single disc copy. OK, a total waste of $10 since I have the 2-disc, but he now has the actual CD of With Teeth. We've done our part to support Trent's latest endeavor.

OK, I have to get my ass to the post office, then run to Wal-Mart and CD Warehouse at some point to check on a DVD price for Travis.

That is all.