Monday, May 16, 2005

Free Ipod Me!!

OK, my offer is completed for a free Ipod. I need 5 people to complete an offer, and I will then be the proud owner of a brand new, 20GB Ipod. Come on, hook me up. I rarely ask for anything, so at least pururse the offers, OK? Thanks!

Woo, I now have a T1 speed connection for $30 a month through SBC. I called to find out why they were charging me $52 a month for my connection that's supposed to be $27 a month, and the upgraded me for free, and gave me $46 of credits too! Rock!!! The transfer to the faster connection will take up to 5 days, but that's all right by me. $30 a month for a T1 speed connection, which is usually $75 a month. I'm not going to complain.

Going to Target and Bath and Body Works with my Mom.

That is all.