Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Fuck Christmas

Now I'm in a crabby mood. I am supposed to work tomorrow (Wednesday.) The Camaro still isn't starting, so I was thinking I could use my Mom's car. Oh no, silly me. So I have to quit my job, or get fired, since I have no way to get to work. Now answer me this...If I don't have a job, how am I going to get the car fixed? If I don't get the car fixed how am I going to get another job? Morgan's going to wind up getting fired too since he had to call off Monday afternoon and we have no way to get him home for work on Thursday afternoon. He had to miss school today, but he was able to take his test online, so that's good. So yeah, it's less than a week and a half to Christmas, I have no money for presents (what money I do have is going towards getting the car running) and I have no job or car. Hopefully the money I have will be enough to get the Camaro running again, but I doubt it. Merry fucking Christmas.

I'm going to poke my Morgan now; that always makes me feel better.

That is all.