Saturday, December 04, 2004

Minivan Schminivan

My first day of work I get to travel to the Akron Auto Auction with Lisa #1, so we could bring back a 95 Dodge Caravan. I hate minivans. Hate.Them. I also hate SUV's, but I won't get into that right now. In all honesty the Caravan wasn't that bad, but I still hate minivans. Could it have anything to do with the fact that most of the people who run me off the road/almost hit me are in a minivan? Nah, never. So yeah, the new job is rockass and I'm sure I'll do fine with it.

Have I mentioned how much the US Postal Service sucks ass? I'm waiting for things that were mailed Tuesday, and were only 2 states away. I know it's close to Christmas, but I don't see UPS or FedEx using that as an excuse. Nooooooo, they're on-time so why can't the post office be on-time as well? For 37 cents just to mail a piece of paper, I want my shit there in a timely manner.

Thus ends your daily rant.

That is all.