Sunday, April 25, 2004

People Are Stupid

OK, on my sbcglobal profile I kindly request people to not bother me unless I know them. At least once a day some stupid guy messages me and bothers me. When I tell him to fuck off, he gets all belligerent and shit; like I messaged him in the first place! It never amazes me as to how dumb people really are.

I was just looking through the classifieds for a job; I forgot I finally have a good job! Dumbass.

I should get my last Auto Connections pay on Tuesday or Wednesday; Chad is calling me tomorrow to go over what I've done, and go over my hours. That will be good as I'm broke right now, and have a few things I need to mail/take care of. It would have been nice to have been paid over a week ago, like I was supposed to, but I'm glad to finally get that wrapped up. I still have to collect my things from the office, and return the office keys, but I can do that anytime really.

Need to wash a load of laundry. Damn, it seems as though I'm always doing laundry!

I really need to carry the 3 totes of shoes to the basement as well, but they're too heavy for me to carry. Dr. Dork was supposed to carry them downstairs on Friday, but of course he "forgot". Ass.

Travis just linked me to Mozilla, so I'm gonna try it out. Maybe then my favicon will show up!

That is all.