Sunday, April 18, 2004

Sunshine On My Shoulders

Busy weekend. Lets see, Friday was a good day. I took the GTI to Don's to have the other tranny seal replaced and to have his headlight switch installed. Then I dropped by UPS and shipped a few items. After that I picked up the rental car (2002 Malibu) and drove home. Upon arriving home I was offered the data entry job. Of course I said yes, so I have to have a drug test on Monday and I'll more than likely start on Wednesday (or as soon as they get my drug test results, which will be negative). Payday is every two weeks, which I hate, but at least I'll be bringing home more than $110 a pay. I'm still doing the Auto Connections thing, but it's on my own time and is commission only.

Today I ran around with Dr. Dork. We hit two Wal-Marts and Fisher's Foods. Exciting, I know.

Friday I went to return some CD's I purchased, and then realized I all ready owned. I had asked the guy if I could return them when I purchased the items on Wednesday and he said it was fine. OK, cool. I go into Time Traveler and the owner guy starts being a dick about it. I had my receipt, and the CD's were used to begin with. I'd purchased the CD's two days before, so it wasn't like I'd had them forever and was suddenly trying to return them. I told the owner what the other guy had said, and he starts getting all pissed and shit. First he was going to let me return them, then he decided I had to find other stuff instead of getting a refund. As I'm walking off I hear the owner say he's going to fire the other guy. What a fucking ass. Now mind you, this place has no visible return policy, and no policy on their receipts either. The guy I purchased the CD's from has worked at Time Traveler for 4 or 5 years, so it's not like he was new and didn't know what he was doing, either. The owner is just a dicksack, and I told him so after he decided I couldn't use my "return credit" toward any new CD's or any DVD's. Fucking ass. I hope that guy didn't get fired as I never would have said anything about it had I known that would happen. Some people are such dicks. Try posting a return/exchange policy and there won't be a problem. The amusing thing was he first asked how I paid, like that made any difference. I paid in cash, so he decided I couldn't have a refund. Again, what a fucking dick. So if you're from the Akron area, boycott Time Traveler for 6 months or so, and tell the owner it's because he's a dick.

The crappy neighbors are both in jail. The guy is in jail for 58 days and the woman is in jail for 28 days. He didn't appear for his probation hearing or sign up for parenting classes (endangering children and resisting arrest were his charges) and she didn't pay restitution or show up for community service (driving on a suspended license and failure to control) so they both were arrested on Tuesday. They're also being evicted and their parents are currently next door moving their shit out. Awesome!

I must point out once again that I do not live in the ghetto despite those crappy neighbors.

It was in the mid-70's on Friday, and in the 80's today. My left arm is sunburned, woohoo!

I leave for the Queensryche concert in a little over 10 hours. Woohoo!

On that note, I should go to bed or something.

That is all.