Monday, April 12, 2004

Shit, I almost forgot...Yesterday when Dr. Dork and I went to play pool I was wearing my bunny ears. We were going back to the pool tables (it's a bowling alley too) when we walked past this fat drunk guy. Well him and his buddy started going "Shoot the bunny" and making guns with their hands. OK, not a problem and moderately amusing. Then the fat drunk guy's friend proceeded to say "I have an Easter dinner for you honey" upon which I almost barfed. Nice, yes? Dr. Dork didn't do anything as he's not a fat drunk redneck with an IQ of less than 30; only stupid people start fights over dumb shit like that. On the way out, the same fat drunk buy was singing "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" as I walked by. I must point out that I looked all of maybe 18 years old last night (I usually look 20 years old, tops). I repeat, I almost barfed. Some people are fucking morons.
Along the same bunny ears note, I realized I was walking through a foreign car junkyard while wearing bunny ears. Seriously, someone should have taken a picture of that!!!!

That is all.