Friday, July 18, 2003

Bah, it just never stops with me. I went out this evening to check the GTI's oil level and the fucking oil smells like gas. The oil looks fine, nice and amber colored, but it still smells like gas. I don't know if that's because the fuel stuff was just replaced or what, but I am going to call George in the morning (Friday) as my oil did not smell like gas prior to him fucking with the fuel system. He also needs to fix the damn emergency brake that was supposed to be fixed the last time he had it. I've had the car 8 weeks total, and he's been in the shop 6.5 of those weeks. Nice, yes?

Got a job today! I have to take my drug test and have my background check, then I can start. The only thing my background check will find is a bunch of speeding tickets!!! I rock!

Needless to say, I'm not in the best of moods due to George fucking up my baby. However, the Baron ran quite well today. No overheating hissy fits or anything else bad. I was shocked.

OK, I'm going to bed.