Saturday, February 21, 2004

Fags shouldn't be allowed to get married, and neither should dykes. What the fuck??? Nice intelligent thinking, asshole. Honestly,what is the big deal? They're people, they love each other and want to get married. Who cares if it's two guys or two girls? As long as they love each other, that's all that matters. At least I thought that's how marriage was supposed to work; silly me for thinking love was the most important factor in marriage.

I went grocery shopping today, and pleasantly there were 4 people in the store. FOUR PEOPLE! How awesome is that? Usually I run into at least 3 stupid people everytime I step out of the house, so that was a nice turn of events.

It was quite warm here today, around 53 degrees, and I couldn't drive my car. Grrrrrrrrr.

That is all.