Thursday, February 05, 2004

Dave Gahan is sooooooooo gay in some of the old Depeche Mode videos. I mean really now, have you seen them? I'm talking about the old-school videos when he had really short hair. It's even worse when he tries dancing. Dave, stop. Don't dance. Ever. I don't care though as Depeche Mode is, in my humble opinion, one of the best bands ever. To me, Depeche Mode is up there with Type O Negative, Queensryche and Savatage. I know, most of you are giggling right now, but I loooooooove Depeche Mode (thanks Dr. Dork.)

Since last Thursday some interesting things have happened. The cashier's check for my GTI did indeed arrive on Monday, however it is counterfeit. Turns out, "James White" is part of a Nigerian scam. I wasn't stupid enough to fall for it, surprisingly, but I didn't let the guy know I'd figured him out. I led him on and he actually believed I sent him two Western Union transfers for $2300 each! The guy wound up calling me at least 15 times on Monday, and the last time he called the asshat forgot to block his number. It came up as Datasoft Net with a 314 area code. Nice, yes? I have all of the emails and stuff, along with the cashier's check, and I contacted the FBI. People are dumb.

Saturday evening I had an interview at a clothing place in Belden Village. Anyway, I thought I was being slick by going around the big snow drift. I wound up tripping over nothing, and doing a split. I was hugging a tree trying to not fall on my ass. Every time I moved my right foot to try and get up, my foot wound up slipping more. Yes, I'm a tree hugger. I wound up having to sit down in the snow anyway, so it was all for naught. I'm sure the neighbors got a kick out of it, though.

Sunday was a repeat performance. My Mom and I went to Target and Wal-Mart, so I was carrying the bags in the house (Mom was making chili.) I wound up falling again, only this time I fell on the hard blacktop that was covered with at least 4 inches of ice. I whapped my right knee about right; hard enough that my kneecap moved and my foot went numb. After a bit I could walk, but it still hurts to fully straighten my knee. Is it any wonder I stay in the house during the winter???

Good fucking Christ, I'm watching wrestling. And I just admitted it. Goodness.

Cashland wasted 4 fucking hours of my time. It's been almost a week since my "working interview" and I've not heard from them. Is it obvious why I hate interviews?? I can understand one interview, but three? And one of the interviews last 2 hours? Come on, now. Bastards.

My clothes are now all washed; I have to wash bedding now. I think I have 4 comforters and 3 sheets downstairs I need to wash. Ugh, I hate laundry.

OK, I think I'm finished now.