Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I have had a headache for 3 days; THREE FUCKING DAYS. Why, you ask? Because of all the cigarette smoke at the Henry Rollins show, that's why. I think it's so shitty that in order for me to enjoy a concert or a show, I have to be miserable for days afterward. Yeah, it's your right to smoke but what about my right to not have to smell your nastiness, or put up with the aftereffects of the smoke? It's been proven that cigarettes kill. If I were out waving a loaded gun around and randomly shooting at people, would I be in jail? Yes I would. Why is it that smokers are allowed to be in public places waving their death sticks in my face, and it's perfectly fine? Just wondeirng... I'm really tired of being miserable because of other people's asshole tendencies.

On a similiar note...Piss me off and you'll be on my ignore/block list faster than you can say asshat. Because that's what you are; an asshat.

OK, I'm finished.