Sunday, September 19, 2004

This Is A No Snarking Zone

Ugh, I ate something that doesn't like me too much right now. I haven't eaten at all today, so it must have been the pizza I had last night at Kanan's house. It was hella fucking good though, so it's worth the Snarky Tummy©.

Morgan and I didn't go to the Glenmoor show. We didn't get to my house until 2AM, we didn't sleep at all Friday night, and we didn't sleep much Saturday during the day either. Then we didn't go to bed until 6 this morning, so we were beat. He's still snoozing as I type this, and I may have to go back to bed myself. It's a gorgeous day, though, so I'll probably drag him out of bed to find some outdoor activity to get into. So yeah, we suck.


I managed to get lost while driving to Kanan's on Friday night. I think I was in the ghetto a couple times, but nothing major happened. I was only about 45 minutes late and that was because I was lost. I'm pretty confident driving in Cleveland now, which should scare the fuck out of everyone.

On the way home last night we stopped in Strongsville so Morgan could get some clothes. We're leaving Mac's (the corner convenience store where he buys Dew), and I'm putting along doing the speed limit for once. Right before I get to the light where I need to turn onto 71, the cops pull us over. I swear, I've been pulled over more times since I've known Morgan than I have in my whole life. The cops were really nice though, and I think they just wanted to run my license for whatever reason. The officer's excuse for pulling me over was I "must have a burned out license plate light". Dude, they're totally fucking missing, not just burned out. As in the entire assembly is gone; it's in my trunk. The officer is telling me how to check the bulbs, and that it may just be a fuse. Of course I didn't tell the officer the assembly is gone, though, and I was very polite to him for PULLING ME OVER TO TELL ME my light(s) was(were) burned out. It looked like Morgan and I had ripped off an electronics store, though, as we had my Gateway laptop, the Compaq laptop I gave to Morgan and a stereo amp/receiver in the backseat along with 5 or 6 CD travel cases and other assorted sundries. Gotta love that shit; I'm getting harrassed by the cops on a weekly basis now. Bastards. I must make sure my plates and driver license are renewed by midnight on Thursday; can't be driving around with expired shit since the cops love pulling me over for whatever reason.

Good fucking Christ, people have been driving up and down my street all fucking day. I live on a dead end road that only has 3 houses and our townhouse thingie on it. All of these asshats come to the end of the road, then turn around. What the fuck?

All right, I think I'm finished.

That is all.