Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Um, I Rock

Yeah, got the job. I have to pee in a cup tomorrow, then I'll start next week. 48 hours a week (Sundays and Wednesdays off), $10.50/hr and fully paid Anthem (used to be Blue Cross/Blue Shield) benefits. Yeah, I'll work a lot but dammit I'll have money, and I'll be able to move out. I so hate peeing in a cup; hopefully I don't make a mess.

I was sooooooooo irritated when I got here (Morgan's) because people on RT62 and RT77 are fucking morons. It took me 25 minutes to go 3 miles just because there was a car broken down alongside the road. Not on the road mind you, totally off the highway and people were still being that stupid. So I rubbed the Abe's back and felt better about life.

There's something funky going on with my car. Everytime I merge to the right, I get this weird dragging feel from the front tire. Might want to check that out.
On a similar note, I cannot get anymore traffic tickets or I'll lose my job. Since I will occasionally have to do deliveries, I have to be insurable and that means the points I have now are all I'm allowed to have. I guess I should start driving like a normal person, and that means no more average speeds of 89MPH (over 62 miles, mind you) on the way home from Strongsville. I made it home (again 62 miles) in 49 minutes. My car may stink like gear oil and exhaust, he may bounce around a lot and the amp may cut out all the time, but he'll fucking move when I tell him to.

That is all.