Friday, December 06, 2002

Thursday December 5, 2002

This camera is a piece of shit. It will not download the images, and I'm very pissed about it. My good digital camera decided to break today so I am stuck without an operable digi cam. The Firehouse/Jani Lane/Warrant show is tomorrow, Friday, night. I need to buy a camera in between the time I get off work at 5:30 and the time the doors open for the show at 7:30. Deduct an hour for driving time and that leaves me with an hour to find a kick ass digi cam, figure out how to use it and get to the show. Fucking technology!

I still haven't found a VW. Why are there none available when I have the cash to buy one, then when I've piddled all of my cash on Docs there are 50 gabillion VW's for sale?

My Mom keeps going on and on about her teeth being clean. She went to the dentist today and can't get over what a good job they did. It's like she's never been to the dentist before! I had to cancel my appointment due to my icky cold sore, which is almost gone, and my arthritis doctor appointment which was at 1:45. My dentist appointment was for 1:30, so obviously that wasn't going to to work. I have no cavities, never have, and am having no problems with the teeths, so I figured going to the arthritis doc was more important. In case you were dying to know, I rescheduled the tooth appointment for December 26 at 4PM.

I just realized that my bangs are way too long so I need to call Sherri tomorrow and make a hair appointment. Hopefully I'll get in before Christmas. I may get my hair colored too, it all depends on what mood I'm in when I make the appointment tomorrow.

I sincerely hope I have more to do tomorrow at work than I did Wednesday. I know I have to package a few things, and run to the PO to ship an item to a foreign eBayer. Other than that, I can't think of anything that needs done. Hopefully Bob will have a bunch of stuff for me to list.

I am so insanely pissed right now. My good digi camera won't take pictures for shit either. I'm going to post a pic of my Ladybugs now, but I'll get a better picture of them tomorrow at work. Hopefully the camera at work is still operable. Remember, the picture I'm posting now was taken by the same camera as all of my other pictures. What's going on?

Here's the Ladybug Mules. Yes, I'm wearing sandals to work tomorrow in 20 degree weather. I love my Docs that much.

Just so you know, I started this entry right before midnight. That's why I have it as being a Thursday entry, but Blogger has it as a Friday entry. Not that anyone is that anal about my journal, but I wanted to make sure any confusion was cleared up.

If I don't go to bed soon I am going to wind up throwing both of these damn cameras out of the window, and most likely the CPU as well.
