Thursday, December 19, 2002

Wednesday December 19, 2002

I finally broke down and did some laundry. Four loads, which was all of my jeans, and some shirts. I forgot to wash any towels so I guess I have to steal some of my Mom's.

We looked at the apartment today, and put down a deposit. We'll find out tomorrow for sure if we get it.

I received my Flamer Shoes today, and my California Car Cover order. I think I'm going to order the thinner Tiffany ring that matches my thick Tiffany ring. The thinner one is only $74! I'm going to Kaufmann's later this evening to buy a sapphire and diamond bracelet that's really pretty, and quite cheap too. It's not as inexpensive as the last one I got there, but I think this new one is prettier. I'll check out the Coach counter while I'm there, and the Docs too!

I actually didn't go into work today, I'm so proud of myself.

Gotta go, Fluffy's attacking my laundry bags. Bad kitty!
