Thursday, August 07, 2003

Alright, here's the set list from the Cincinnati Type O Negative Show on Tuesday, August 5.

I Know You're Fucking Someone Else
Wolf Moon
Black Sabbath Intro
Christian Woman
Love You To Death
World Coming Down
Kill All The White People
Prelude To Agony
My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
I Don't Wanna Be Me
Black #1

Bleh. I was watching Warlock on Sci-Fi, but they edited it waaaay too much for it to be enjoyable. I'll just watch it tomorrow on VHS.

I need to call Glenville again and find out what's going on with my Fall schedule, and if I can have both of my cars on campus. As usual, no one at Glenville knows how to return a phone call. Asses.

Start my new job in 4 days!!! Woohoo!

OK, I'm off.