Sunday, August 10, 2003

OK, the new next door neighboor is weird. I've noticed a few weird things about her:
1.) She has 6 kids, with no Dad around and all of the kids look younger than the age of 6. Nice.
2.) All of the girls wear dresses all the time. Like nice dresses, dresses they'd wear to a wedding or church (we're talking about little girls here). The boys wear regular kid clothes.
3.) The Mom walks around in hospital scrubs all the time, and walks with her head down, all the time. It's like she's trying to hide something.
4.) The kids are outside rarely, and when they are it's for 15-20 minutes only.
5.) They are noisy as fuck!!

OK, so maybe my observations aren't shit, but I still say something funky is going on next door. I'm so glad I'm outta here in 3 weeks!!

Speaking of being out of here, I have set up a donation thingie through PayPal. Now I do not expect anyone to send me any money, especially my faithful readers, but I figured I'd set it up anyway just in case someone is dying to send me a billion dollars. I've name the fund "Help Send Lisa To College" which I think is an applicable title. Actually it's the "Help Lisa Get Her Crap, GTI and LeBaron To School" fund, but that's OK. I'm going to have to rent a U-Haul big enough for all of my crap plus my GTI, and I'll have to rent one of the little trailers for my LeBaron. Notice how the GTI will be inside the U-Haul, and the Baron is stuck on the back. It's not going to be fun, or cheap. Anyway, I don't expect any donations I set it up more for fun. I've seen some blogs where people actually have to pay to read the entries! I think that's not only ridiculous, but very pompous of the blogger. Who are they to think people would actually pay to read their blog??? I keep this blog as a form of therapy, and I feel I should be paying all of you, my constant readers!! Anyway, many thanks to any of you who do donate. The link is over to the left.

Here's something interesting that happened last (Saturday) night. Brian and I were buzzing down Graham Road in the Falls, and this guy suddenly decides he's going to turn right in front of us. If this guy would have actually hit us in the Quaalude (Honda Prelude) there would have been some shit go down. Had we been in the Baron I would have swerved to help the guy hit us. He was obviously high or drunk, and when Brian and I gave him the finger and called him a fucking something or other, the guy actually had the nerve to yell at US!! Excuse us for minding our own business and then getting upset when someone almost creams us and the Quaalude. People never cease to amaze me.

Along that same line, here's another story...
I bought an item on eBay about 2 months ago. I purchased a postal money order as payment because my PayPal account was screwed up. I mailed the payment. The seller still hasn't received it, and I told her it must have been lost in the mail as a lot of my shit gets misdirected. She then calls her local PO and files a complaint telling the postmaster that I said someone was stealing my mail!!! I never told that cunt anyone was stealing my mail. Now she has the postal service crawling all over my local PO's ass because she told them I said people were stealing shit. Now yes, a lot of my mail gets lost or delayed, but I've never said anyone was stealing it. I have to put up with all kinds of shit now due to that dumb bitch not paying any attention to what was being said to her. She also told her postmaster that I had sent two money orders, when I told her I wasn't sending another payment until I could trace the first one. Well I managed to lose the fucking MO receipt, so I just sent payment again via PayPal so I'd have proof it was sent. I repeat, dumb cunts make my life miserable.

Speaking of being miserable, I've had more cold sores this past year and a half than I've had since I was 16. I get maybe one cold sore a year, tops. Well I've had 5 in the past 6 months and I know it's due to stress. This last one popped up halfway through the TON concert on Tuesday, probably because I was worried about doing a good job with the Street Team stuff, and I was worried about everything not going well. Hanging out with the guys was hella fun, and made that cold sore worth it!! I can't wait to get to Glenville so I can have a nice vacation. Yes, I consider school to be a vacation. I like to learn, and the classes should all be pretty easy, plus all of my utilites are paid including phone and a T1 Net connection!! Woohoo! I just need enough money for tuition, and a new PC. Actual college fees are $6,000 and I can get a nice Dell PC for $500. Like I said, over $7,000 in aid is my target, but I've always had bad aim. LOL

OK, I'm off to do something useless.