Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Hello, my name is Lisa and I'm a lip balm addict:

Click to enlarge

I counted my lip balms today, or at least the lip balms I have in that drawer. I counted 82 lip balms, and I know I have at least 20 more in purses, my car, etc. I'm currently sporting a cold sore so I'm only using my "pot" lip balms, that way I don't get the rest of my lip balms infected with germs. I just have regular lip cold sores, not the icky "other" herpes. Even so, it's hella embarassing to fill a prescription for Valtrex pills and Valtrex cream. I made sure to point to my cold sore and say "I hate when I get COLD SORES on my lip". The girl just grinned and kind of nodded her head like she understood I don't have an STD. I know how much I hate cold sores on my lip, so I can't even begin to imagine what they'd be like anywhere else. I feel sorry for anyone who has the herpes STD, especially women who get it from being raped, or from their husbands being unfaithful. OK, I'm finished talking about herpes!

I was washing clothes this evening and one of my bras managed to jump in the washer and dryer (I usually wash them by hand in the bathtub, dry on the table). The bra was all mangled and had choked one of my Happy Bunny socks. Thankfully the bra wasn't ruined, as it's one of my favorites, and my Happy Bunny sock survived too.

I hope it does snow a lot tonight/tomorrow because if I have to work a full day tomorrow I'm going to be tired. I need to go to bed!

That is all.