Sunday, March 21, 2004

Just an FYI: Someone is using this email addy,, to send viruses. That is one of my email addresses, but I never email anyone from that addy. If you receive an email from that address please delete the message as it probaby contains a virus.

Didn't go to the Dream Theater show this weekend. I haven't felt "right" since Tuesday, and besides, I didn't see the point in spending the money for parking and tickets, only to see 2 or 3 songs that I like. I am definitely going to the Clutch show on April 4th in Cleveland, and the Queensryche show April 18th in Columbus. Tickets have all ready been purchased and all that good stuff.

Now it's Monday and I'm finishing up this post. I started this post, then went to lay down and didn't get up until 8:30 this morning. I've felt kinda sick for almost a week, and now I know I'm getting sick. My ears are clogged up, my head is boogery and I'm coughing. I NEVER cough unless I'm sick. I'll be miserable for work tomorrow, this I guarantee. Oh yeah, my throat is getting sore too. How fun.

Over the weekend I finally found the two Bonham CD's I've been searching for. The Disregard of Timekeeping and Mad Hatter. Yeah, I'm excited.

I have to run my Mom to the dentist as her car is in the shop today. New struts are a good thing.

That is all.