Friday, March 05, 2004

It's 76 degrees today. OK, if you're in Florida or California that's no big deal. I'M IN OHIO. I am going to roast on my first day of work. Yes, I'm going in today for a couple hours. Chris (the bossman) and I are going to a customer's house to photograph a car for sale. My first day on the job and I'm all ready doing the fun stuff! Woohoo! I really think this job is going to be a lot of fun, and there's a lot of money to be made outside of my regular hourly wage. I can't wait!! My first payday is the 19th, but it's only for one week. Ick!

The drive to work will be my first "trip" in the GTI since he came home. Of course I'm a bit apprehensive about driving him because of the trouble I've had with his chug. But if Don says he's fixed I will try to be optimistic.
The wind has me worried too. It's windy as a sonofabitch outside; my car is little and light. I'll be blown across the street!

OK, gotta go change then leave for WORK!!

That is all.