Friday, March 05, 2004

Whee, I worked today from 4PM-7PM and it was nice! I arrived at work around 3:15, but we didn't leave until 4, so I didn't get paid until 4PM. That's OK, though, as it was a lot of fun. We photographed a 1956 Thunderbird in Peacock Blue (think teal) that was in very good condition. The guy selling the car was nice too, so that made the time go quickly. I start my regular Tuesday/Thursday schedule on Tuesday, but I have a feeling I'll be doing listings a lot sooner than I'd first anticipated.

The GTI ran fine and scooted right along. I caught air on a bump in the road! That wasn't fun, and I do not plan on going airborne again.

I rock, by the way.

It was soooooo nice today. Thankfully I was outside, and able to enjoy the 78 degree weather. It's only supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow, which sucks, but it's better than freezing or below.

Cleveland Auto Show tomorrow, then plug changing and various other GTI tasks. I have to take a drive on the ho track too (Arlington in Akron) as the hos may have rotated since I was last up there. Heehee, the dumbest things entertain me and Dr. Dork.

I'm burning a CD then it's off to bed; gotta be in Cuyahoga Falls by 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.

That is all.