Monday, March 22, 2004

I hate getting sick. I wish I would just wake up sick, but oh no, it has to gradually creep up on me. I hate being sick too, but I think the build-up to sickdom is worse than the actual sickness.

For those of you who heard me spazzing about my transmission, it's fine. I was worried because I couldn't put my car into first gear until I was pretty much stopped. Don the Mechanic told me that's because first gear isn't synchronized in my car; makes sense to me. So now I don't have to worry about first gear being bad or something. Also, my younger brother's friend did have his Beetle repaired at Don's, so I get a free oil and lube! Woohoo! I need an oil change in 750 miles (111,000 total miles), so the free oil/lube couldn't have come at a better time.

I'm off to nap until 2:30 when I have to take my Mom to the doctor. Watch, the car guys will call at 1PM and say her car's fixed. That's just enough time for me to get into a good drooling sleep.

Mother Nature needs to stop hitting the booze and decide on a fucking weather pattern. Saturday it was in the 50's, yesterday it was in the 40's and last night/today it's snowing and fucking cold. No wonder I'm sick, and everyone else I know is sick as well.

That is all.