Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Bloggity Bliggity Bloo

This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen:

Best part? Only $7 at Gabe's! My Mommy bought it for me since I had a total shit-fit when I saw this purse, but am too much of a tightwad to spend $7 on it. Seriously, isn't it hella cute?

Lets see, the biddy drug me to the greenhouse to buy dirt, then we came back home so I could change shirts (got caught in the rain) and we then proceeded to go to the pet store, World Market and Value City. Upon exiting Value City we went to Denny's where I ate too much and had to roll myself into the car. From Denny's we ventured to Gabe's then came home. That was my day.

I am now sitting on the couch.

That is all.