Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I Look Like I Care?

Why is it that all people feel they can start talking to me? Do I look like I work at Target? I was stading in line waiting to return a few items, the girl in front of me suddenly turned around and asked if that was where she applied for a job. How the fuck would I know? I told her I had no idea, and she resumed her line bouncing. Seriously, this girl had to have been on something as she couldn't stand still. Switching from foot to foot, looking around all paranoid, singing to herself (offkey too). Crackhead.

My goal today is to find the Wella shampoo I was babbling about last night. I have the phone book ready and I'm going to call every beauty shop in the phone book until I find one that carries that shampoo. I'm desperate, can you tell?

I need food.

That is all.