Thursday, May 13, 2004

Crabby Patty

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It's hot and I'm crabby.  At least it isn't snowing and cold, though, so I'll stop bitching.
You'd think Kieth would come over and install our air conditioners.  You know, since he's never paid back a penny of the money he "borrowed" from my Mom.  Come to think of it, Hannah never paid back a penny of it either.  Twinsburg is in a couple months, so I'm sure Kieth will start calling here so he can try and borrow more money for the trip.  Please, Twinsburg isn't that far away; it's not like they need to get a hotel room.  Anyway, I'm finished on that subject for the time being.
Apparently I'm going to Akron/The Falls/Fairlawn/Montrose this weekend (Saturday) instead of Dr. Dork travelling down to my area.  That's OK, as I'm pretty sick of Canton.  There'd better be some car shows dammit!  I believe the Barberton show at Wink's began last weekend.  Woohoo!
I'm going out (Party's bar, nothing big) this Friday, even if I go by myself.  I know, I've said that the last 3 weeks, but I really mean it this time.
Toledo Dave called me this evening and told me we're going to Cedar Point this summer.  This is good since I've never been to Cedar Point.  He's also going to come visit sometime after Memorial Day weekend.  Woohoo!  I've not seen Toledo Dave since October, so it'll be nice to see him again.
Must get to Malvern to see Minerva Dave, and pick up my laptop case.  I guess that's an activity for Saturday morning, unless he's too busy to entertain me.
All right, I'm snatching the fan from the living room and then I'm off to bed.
That is all.