Sunday, May 30, 2004

Show Us Your Boobs

As evidenced by the title of this entry, Jenny and I had quite the interesting time last (Friday) night.  I got off work at 8:15PM and went directly to Mineral City to pick Jenny up at her house. She loaned her Mom the Firechicken for the evening, so Jenny couldn't drive up to my house. Anyway, I picked Jenny up and we were off to the bar. Arriving at the bar around 10:15PM, we found the actual bar area to be full. Jenny and I ordered up Smirnoff Ices and found a table. About 10 minutes later, two people left the bar so we took over their seats. I had noticed the two guys next to those seats staring at us while Jenny and I were at the table. When Jenny and I got up to sit at the bar, the fat guy (Moose) said to the skinny guy "They're coming over here". Nice. Anyway, Jenny and I sat down and these two smooth talkers attemtped to get Jenny and/or myself to show our boobs. Neither of us obliged, so the guys got pissed and left. Party then came over and teased me for chasing the guys off. He agreed that those two couldn't handle me, so it was best they left. Heehee! Anyway, another guy sat next to us, talked with us and bought us some drinks. Party and I chatted quite a bit, and overall Jenny and I had a good time. A lot more went on, I'm just too tired to type it out right now.

After we left the bar, Jenny and I ventured to Ferraro's Restaurant which is a well-known "after hours" food place. It's open 24 hours and caters to truckers. The food is excellent, but the service sucks ass. I wound up getting home around 5:15AM and was asleep by 5:45-6AM.  I then woke up at 9:30AM in order to get my ass to the stylist in order to have my hair colored this morning at 10AM. After hitting Starbucks (Vanilla Bean Creme), Belden Village mall (exchanged the Bath and Body Works lotion that smelled like ass), Wal-Mart and Goody's, I'm wiped out.

I was supposed to go to Minerva Dave's BBQ this evening, but I'm just too tired and there was going to be waaaaay too many people there (over 40) that I wouldn't know. There's always another weekend.

I'm watching MXC then going to bed. I need sleep.

That is all.