Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Feeling Productive

Whee, I kind of rearranged my room. What I did is cleaned out one of my closets, then drug my dresser into the closet. Seriously, that made a huge difference in regard to space in my room. It's weird how moving one thing can make such a difference in a room, even a big room like I have (not bragging, just stating a fact).

I'm going to run around like a crazy person Friday before work. I have to ship two packages of shoes, buy two money orders to send partial refunds with those packages, call Summit and see if my coil springs/struts are in, get gas and copy my paycheck stub to send into the student loan administrator people. All of that has to be finished by 11:30AM and I hate getting up before 9AM. I think I'm going to have to get up earlier than 9AM, though, and that'll suck. Oh well, at least everything will be taken care of and I can enjoy my weekend.

Must clean the shoes I plan on wearing to work tomorrow.

Why do people walk around with missing teeth? Seriously, buy some fucking teeth.

That is all.