Thursday, May 20, 2004

Don't Be An Asshat, Or I'll Get Even

There's this guy where I work whom I can't stand. He's a salesman which means I have to be nice to him, but he really irks me. He comes in as late as possible then makes all of these requests to get his shit pushed to the front of the pile. Excuse me, everyone else brings their shit in early, therefore they are before you. I've not had one day where his paperwork is mistake free, and that wastes our time when we're trying to print stickers or type up ads. Seriously, everything about him rubs me the wrong way. I don't want to say anything and look like an ass, but is it too much to ask for the paperwork to be fully, and correctly, completed when he gives it to us for insertion, and for him to not dickfuck around until 5:30PM or 6PM, then turn in his shit? It never fails, he always brings a ton of shit in for us to do late on Friday evening. Holly fixed his ass tonight, though. He was supposed to have some ads turned in by this afternoon by the latest and, of course, he didn't have the stuff turned in. Well she went in and printed them out anyway so now all we have to do is cancel 20 or less of them instead of having to wait until tomorrow evening to renew them and change the ad copy. When Holly told him this, he replied "Oh you did get them?". Well yeah, because it's possible to do such a thing. When he's bringing in new ads we can't pull up the stuff from another source; it has to come from him. This may not seem like a big deal if you've never done this type of work before, but believe me it's a pain in the ass to have his work be all incorrect and shit, when you're trying to finish everything else. Besides, all of the other salespeople are pretty good about making sure their stuff is correct, so what's his deal? I know he's newish, but come on now. He's been there long enough to realize if you wait until Friday at 6PM to turn in a 150 ads, us data entry people are going to be there until until 9 or 10 that night. One Friday the sales manager made him stay until us data entry people got to leave. I thought that was pretty cool of the sales manager to do that for us. Anyway, I can't stand him and I'm having a hard time being cordial to him. The sad thing is he seems like he'd be pretty nice on a personal level, but working with him is making me livid. Seriously, just the sight of one of his fucked up insertions makes me want to throw a wire basket at his head.

Just thought you'd like to know. Other than that, work was fine today.

That is all.