Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Mmm, Blog

OK, that title is so dorky. Oh well.

Another neighbor has moved out. The guy two doors down had to move due to high daycare costs ($188 week!) for his little girl. He's moving closer to his parents so they can watch the little girl when he's at work. That has to suck. I liked Dennis, too. He was nice, quiet and his little girl was so well behaved. Albeit she's only about a year old, but still. No icky neighbors, please!

I have to run my Mom to the garden place so she can buy dirt. I'm also going to transplant my sunflower as it's big enough to move out of the smaller pot. All of our cool tulips died before I had a chance to take a photo of them. We had black/purple tulips (I picked those out) and pink tulips with yellow edges. They rocked! Hopefully my bleeding heart will bloom a couple more times this summer because right now there's no flowers to be seen.

Need to eat.

That is all.