Sunday, May 23, 2004

What Is That Smell?

I'm sweating. I hate to sweat, especially when I'm sitting on the couch watching a DVD. I really wish I had a brother who'd put the air conditioners in the windows. We have three A/C units, one for my room, my Mom's room and the living room/downstairs, but I can't put them in the windows. I can't pick the damn things up to move them 3 inches, let alone heft them into the windows. This sucks ass.

Today I've done nothing. I'm currently watching The House On Haunted Hill on DVD and washing clothes. My Mom wants to go to Target later on this evening, but I'm not going anywhere until it cools off. She refuses to use the AC in her car, and I'm not going shopping if I'm all sweaty and gross. Nice, yes? I'd still rather it were warm out than snowing and shit, but AC would be nice.

I guess Jenny and I are going to a Minerva Dave barbecue next Saturday, as long as it doesn't rain. That should be fun.

Yesterday Dr. Dork and I went to the Barberton car show, Target, Dillard's Outlet in Rolling Acres Mall, Subway, Barnes and Noble and Wal-Mart. All-in-all a very productive day.

I think I'll paint my toenails later this evening.

That is all.