Sunday, May 09, 2004

Who Farted?

Washed my car today. Went to Don's this morning and found out I need a new valve cover gasket; that's why I'm losing oil. It'll be around $150, so I have to wait until the 24th. I get paid on the 20th or so, but I have to wait until the Monday after so Don can have time to fix it. I guess I have oil on the flywheel, and the clutch, so I'm going to probably need another new clutch. Hopefully I don't, but I probably will. My tranny is still leaking, but it's coming from the throwout bearing access thingie, so it's no big deal to fix. My car is still awesome though. I named him by the way...Squeaky Bobaganoosh.

Went to the bar and had one beer. I had a Bud as the guy couldn't find the Smirnoff Ice. Party was outside so I only saw him briefly.

I think I'm going to bed or something.

That is all.