Saturday, May 15, 2004

Herky Jerky

Blogger's been herky jerky for the last week or so. Everytime I try logging into Bstats, I am taken to May 9th's stats instead of the current stats. What the fuck? Also, my profile views counter is stuck on 16. Again, what the fuck? Oh well, at least I can still post and everything else seems to be in order as far as Blogger goes.

My webpage host is down for updates today. The pages are still showing up, but I can't update anything until later this evening.

Dr. Dork and I are allegedly going to Perkins in Hudson for dinner. In freaking Hudson!!!

I woke up at noon to the tune of the new neighbor's crappy rap music. It was pretty fucking loud, so I went next door and kindly (yes, kindly for the first request) asked him to turn it down. He did so, but he also turned it back up within 45 minutes. Why can't we have normal neighbors who don't play their music too loud, don't have criminal records and don't have any kids? Is that too much to ask? As an interesting aside, everytime I've seen that kid he's had his cell phone glued to his ear. I am not exaggerating when I say this. Everytime I've seen him, the phone was stuck to his ear. Maybe he was in a horrific accident where the phone malfunctioned and was permanently bonded to his head? Or maybe he's just some young punk kid who doesn't know any better? I think I'll go with young punk kid.

Hmmm, I think that's it.

That is all.