Sunday, May 16, 2004

Tweedle Dee

Well now, wasn't I Miss Productivity today? I washed my clothes, cleaned my room, cleaned out my car, checked the oil and the antifreeze, cleaned all of the car windows, Swiffered the dash and doors and made iced tea. Damn, I rock.

Dr. Dork's Mom washed his wallet tonight. I think that's one of the funniest things she's ever managed to do. Usually she just bleaches his clothes, so this washing of the wallet is excellent. I told him if he'd wash his own clothes these things wouldn't happen. Besides, he's carried that wallet for 11 or 12 years and it was pretty damn tattered. Heehee!

Tomorrow is the first car show of the season. Originally Saturday would have been the first show at Kempthorn Auto Mall, but it rained yesterday so I didn't attend that show. The first car show is in Cuyahoga Falls at Front Street. They've renovated all of Front Street so I'm sure it'll be really nice. They have Rockin on the River every Friday evening as well, but I think it'll be impossible for me to attend anymore since I work late on Friday evenings. That's OK, as Rockin on the River is nicknamed Drunkin on the River for a good reason; mostly it's old drunk people staggering around and being stupid. No good bands announced so far, therefore I'm not missing much.

I'm off to watch Helter Skelter.

That is all.