Monday, May 17, 2004

Kids Aren't For Everybody

AOL Email
OK, I think my subject line pretty much says everything, but allow me to elaborate.  A girl at work, Holly, and I both do not want to have kids.  Holly was just married on Saturday, so she and I were joking about how people are going to start with the "when are the kids arriving" jokes.  Everyone knows she doesn't want children, yet they keep telling her she'll change her mind.  Excuse me, but why do people feel this is an appropriate thing to say?  Some people want kids, some don't.  Holly and I fall into the "don't want kids" category.  Personally speaking, I'm too intolerant to have kids, and I believe Holly feels that was as well.  I don't like kids for the most part.  My idea of fun isn't changing diapers and going to PTA meetings.  I do not need children in order to feel "whole".  I understand some people dream of having children.  My friend Jenny is a good example.  She's wanted kids very badly as long as I've known her (12 years).  Finally 6 years ago she had her first son after undergoing some fertility treatments.  Her second son was born 2 years ago and her daughter a year ago.  Jenny loves her kids more than anything, and I think they're pretty neat as far as kids go.  Just because I like her kids doesn't mean I want any of my own.  There's no way I could put up with a half-day of the stuff she has to do for her kids, let alone at least 18 years worth of stuff.  That said, would you really want me to procreate?  I think not.  Another thing that makes me laugh is people who tell me I'll want kids when I get older.  OK, I'll be 25 in September.  I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to realize if I want kids or not.  I choose or not, thank you.  My personal favorite is when people ask if I want kids and I tell them I do not.  When said person keeps pressing me about kids I finally get fed up and tell them I can't have kids.  The person then says "Well, that's your business" and gets all red faced or whatever.  Excuse me, but isn't it also "my business" if I want kids or not?  The person feels like an ass because they kept pushing the kid issue, then they found out I can't have kids and they are then embarrassed.  And they should be embarrassed as it's none of their business if I want kids or not.  That's what they get for all of the pushing they do to change my mind in regard to kids; let them feel as stupid as they are.  Grrr, as you can probably tell, this irritates me to no end.
That is all.