Friday, May 21, 2004

Dear Old Age, You Suck Ass

OK, so I'll be 25 in September (the 23rd, send presents). My knees feel as though they're 55 to 60 years old, minimum. I've had rheumatoid arthritis since I was very young (5 or so), and it seems to really be catching up with me right now. The pain's been so bad the last week or so, that I can't even sleep. This isn't fun, no sirree. I really need to get health insurance so I can resume my regular visits to an RA specialist Honestly, this sucks very large ass. My wrists have been bothering me a lot too; a lot more than they used to. Bah, to be 16 again!

Better news...I changed the Fucking Person© I had hanging from my rear view mirror. I now have all of my college parking permits (yes, I'm a dork like that), a cherry air freshner, the floating ducky air freshner and the One Fish from Cat In The Hat air freshner hanging from my rear view mirror. I moved the monkey and bananas to my sunroof handle and the ice cream cone to my passenger side Oh Shit Handle© . I took down the 2 Spongebob and 1 Grumpy bear freshners as they're hella old and need replaced. Anyone know of a good place to get cool air freshners for cheap? Let me know!

OK, I'm watching Halloween Resurrection.  I will succeed in doing nothing other than scaring myself silly, which will result in an inability to sleep. Nice.

I need to call Jenny tomorrow from work since I didn't hear from her tonight. I'll call her right before I leave just to make sure she and I are still going out tomorrow. I didn't make it over to the bar tonight, so I hope it's open tomorrow. On a side note, Rog told me Jenny and I should stop by the place he plays darts as well. It'll be a nice change of scenery prior to venturing off in the direction of Iron Tales Saloon.

OK, I've checked the closets, the basement and the kitchen cupboards; there's no boogeyman in the house so I can simmer down. I'm such a dork. The Halloween movies still scare the shit out me, even at my advanced age.

That is all.