Friday, October 15, 2004


All right, I guess I shouldn't be as pissed off as I am, but that's too bad. I wound up driving out to where the Camaro is, just to see what the fuck was going on. Turns out, a brake job came in right before my car got there, so they took that truck before my car. The brake job wound up lasting all day, so they didn't even look at my car today. He said they will be in there tomorrow at 8AM and have my car fixed for me tomorrow as well (mine is the first one they're working on in the morning). So I got up at 8AM for nothing. How nice. I did have a chance to tell the guy to check all my fluids, and the rear end as well, but I'd have much preferred my car to have been ready when promised. Grrrrr.

Hopefully Morgan will be able to clean my car tomorrow instead of today. He works the same hours tomorrow (9-6), so I'll get there around 5. If he's busy he won't be able to clean my car, but that's OK. I'll have to leave the house no later than 3:45 to make sure I get there on time, though, as I don't drive the Camaro fast at all, and if it's raining I'll have to leave even earlier (like around 2:30; I'm not joking) since I can't drive that car for shit in the rain. I like the Camaro, don't get me wrong, but why did I buy a rear wheel drive car? Oh that's right, because it's actually Morgan's car. LOL

That is all.