Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Ah, the insurance on the Camaro is only $300 a half, which is $50 a month. That's for full coverage, including towing and rental reimbursement. Rock out! Now if I only had the damn car I'd be set.

Finally got my cell turned back on after dicking around with two Alltell locations, and an hour and a half of time. That bitch Jen at the Alliance store just paid next month's bill by being such a cunt. I love calling to complain. But, on the flipside, I will compliment the other girl who helped me (her name's on my receipt) as she was very nice and helpful. Alltell store service sucks balls, but their rates are good and the service is good too.

Heehee, I just got an interview for a job in Strongsville, about 4 seconds from Morgan's house (in the complex where he used to live; there's regular apartments and office space as well). That would rock for when we move to Lakewood as I'd only be about 20 minutes from work. The position is for an Internet researcher, and is full time with benefits. That would be too cool! Interview is 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, hopefully I'll get to take the Camaro on the interview! Otherwise I'll have to borrow the biddy mobile, and I'm sure she'll just love that one. LOL

That is all.