Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Not much in the mood to blog today; I slept all fucking day, pretty much. Got up at about a quarter of 2 this afternoon, stayed up until 4:30 then I laid down and napped until 8:15. I am a bum. For whatever reason, I've been sooooooo tired these last couple weeks. Tomorrow's going to be busy as I have to clean out the GTI at Don's, take the title to the insurance guy, pick Morgan up after 5 then look at a 95 Camaro that I'm going to buy. Well, I'm going to buy as long as the car starts, drives and is still available. If not then I'm going to buy the 91 Camaro that Morgan and I looked at Sunday night. Either way, my VW loving-ass is buying a Camaro.

Might be moving to Lakewood soon, we'll see what happens.

Heehee, I'm going to apply the same place Morgan works as they needed 2 more people, and have only hired one more person. I looooove doing car detailing, so it's right up my alley. Plus, it would be much easier if both of us worked at the same place, especially until he gets a car to drive every day. I could only hope we'd work the same shifts, but then I could work the earlier shifts too as they don't open until 9AM during the week. Any hours are better than no hours, though, and I need to get a damn job! Plus, I'd have benefits with only working 30 hours a week, so that would rock too.

I'm finally doing laundry; I've been such a slacker as of late with my laundry.

That is all.